Tuesday, January 24, 2012

here we go...

here it is: a new blog for a new man.  i can tell you already, from this computer - here! - that i'm writing from, that the san francisco public library is unlike any you'll find in the melancholy suburbs of boston.  i made it.

i've just found the address for the san francisco downtown hostel (312 mason street) & i'm off!

here we go...

-j. callahan


  1. That's amazing man! Having just moved myself, I can totally relate to your excitement!

  2. Arrree you goinnnng to Saaaannnn Fraaaancisco?

    Good luck in your new home! I've never been to the West myself... But what would a gal like me do in San Francisco anyways, huh? Oy...

  3. I would give anything to be back in California! I hate the east coast already and it has only been a few days...
